Be Seen, Be Heard. A Collection to Empower LI1 Students’ Voices
Afione, L. B.; Schwallier, M. V.; Reumann, A.; Prieto Romero, L.; Mei, A. T.; Paillamán, C.; Romay, M. V.; Sánchez, M. L.; Giménez, M.; Salazar, E.; Torres, B.; Torres, G.; Asencio, M.; Fernández, A.; Michelena, A.; Alfaro, O.; Beloso, G.; Zalazar, R. A.; Zapata, D. J.; Cady, Y. F.; Castro, D.; Hernández, M. A.; Huenchullanca, M. A.; Fuentes Sepúlveda, F.; Heredia, L.; Iglesias, A.; Pedone, M.; Godoy, A. S.; López, F. A.; Mora, C.; Morales, E.; Abad, J.; Almuna, M.; Brosco, R.; Martínez, E.; Bonnat, Z.; Paredes, O. A.; Saavedra, B.; Velozo, L.; Cabezas, B.; Escalante, M.; Grandón, C.; Ferrari, N.; Aguirre Santana, S. C.; Bulgheroni, D.; Fernández, F. N.; Marzeniuk, M.; Balbontin, M.; Piergentili Villarruel, A.; Sánchez, S.; Sieben, L.; Barra Contreras, F.; Ortiz, R.; Roa Drexler, R.; Wagner Figueroa, E.; Couffignal, L.; Gortan, M. P.; Montecino Saez, B. A.; Quidel, A..
Risso Patrón, Zoraida (editora); Verdú, María Angélica (editora); Martínez, Alex William (editor); Reyes, Vanesa Andrea (editora); Páez, Camila Yasmín (diseño).
The theoretical foundations that inform best practices in the realm of education have determined that Project Based Learning (PBL) is an instructional method that ought to be applied in different learning environments more frequently given its well-documented benefits (Mergendoller, 2018; Main, 2022). Thus, applying this method in the context of teaching English as a Foreign Language has been one of the objectives of Lengua Inglesa 1 (LI1), a course taught in the second year of the Teacher and Translator Training Programmes at Facultad de Lenguas, Comahue University, Argentina. At the onset of this year-long subject, students start with a B1 level (CEFR) and are expected to reach a B2 level, developing the four macro skills of reading, listening, writing and speaking.This publication consists in an e-book with all the productions university learners created to be shared at a larger scale. The complete guidelines of Be Seen, Be Heard: How your ideas can change the world can be accessed at the end of this work.
What the reader will find in this e-book is the compilation of learners’ productions as a result of having embarked on the completion of this group project carried out during a two-month period of time in the second semester.