Características prosódicas de dos prácticas discursivas del ámbito político
Labastía, Leopoldo Omar; Espinosa, Gonzalo Eduardo; Martínez, Alex William; Dabrowski, Alejandra Eva.
The aim of this research is to investigate the prosodic realization of two political discourse practices, a speech and an interview, by the same speaker. The different nuclear tone configurations and the segmentation of speech in prosodic units are studied: intermediate phrases, intonational phrases and phrase sequences. In particular, the role of phrase sequences and their intonation in the organization of discourse is studied, together with their impact in the realm of politics. From the pragmatic point of view, this work is based on Relevance Theory (Sperber and Wilson1995 Wilson and Sperber 2004) to account for the procedural meaning of each nuclear tone configuration (Labastía 2011, 2016, 2018Dabrowski and Labastía 2013). From the prosodic point of view, it is framed in the Autosegmental-Metrical model (Hualde, 2003) and the Sp_ToBI transcription system (Sosa 2003) applied to River Plate Spanish (Gabriel et al 2010). The different prosodic elements are identified and an auditory transcription is made of the initial fragments of both discourse practices, which is later corroborated by means of the PRAAT acoustic analysis software (Boersma and Weeninck 2019). The research reveals prosodic differences both in the segmentation of discourse and in the frequency of appearance of the different nuclear tone configurations. Besides, the distribution of the different configurations in the phrase sequences reveals different speaker stances in relation to his audience.Archivos
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Referencia bibliográfica
Labastía, L. O., Dabrowski, A. E., Espinosa, G. E., & Martínez, A. W. (2022). Características prosódicas de dos prácticas discursivas del ámbito político. Anales de Lingüística, 8.
Anales de Lingüística, 8.
ISSN 2684-0669