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documento de conferencia

_Sailing towards _islands of accuracy in myths and legends_ Gabi_ Joe_ Car_ Pao.pdf
Legends and myths serve as effective tools for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners not only to reflect upon moral values and cultivate their cultural awareness, but also to gain insight into formulaic language (Lindstromberg & Boers, 2008). The recognition and use of formulaic sequences or chunks allow them to enhance their productive and…

Año: : 2023

documento de conferencia

Chunky chunks_Zinkgraf_Chiclana_2018.pdf
In this presentation the teaching of vocabulary is approached in terms of chunks of words. Theoretical issues are explored in relation to Corpus Linguistics perspectives on formulaic language and its impact on the teaching of a foreign language. The advantages of this approach will be analysed and activity samples based on songs will be presented…

Año: : 2019

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