Browse Items (25 en total)

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Valls et al. - 2015 - Selecciones tonales y altura tonal en el inglés co.pdf
A través del relato de un cuento, se compararon las oraciones declarativas conclusivas y no conclusivas del inglés como L1 y L2 a la luz del modelo Métrico-Autosegmental propuesto por Pierrehumbert (1980), para analizar los distintos contornos entonativos, y de la Teoría de la Relevancia (Sperber y Wilson 1995, 2004), para examinar el correlato…

Año: : 2015


documento de conferencia

Brodersen - Espinosa.pdf
When assessing EFL students in comparison to a framework based on native-like proficiency, speaking is a controversial issue to be tested in a world where most speakers of English are non-natives. In these contexts, the native-like ability has been recently questioned towards an intercultural ultimate goal, given that many aspects of the speaking…

Año: : 2015

parte de libro

The focal model.pdf
This work has been carried out in the light of one main general area of study in phonetics and phonology: nucleus placement. It is aimed at revealing how nucleus placement may differ from one speaker to another. Adopting the analysis of broad and narrow focus, nucleus placement will also be dealt with considering other notions that are taught in…

Año: : 2009

documento de conferencia

Espinosa, Gonzalo Eduardo y Scilipoti, Paola - 2012 - The Importance of Being Pluricultural Blooming wi.pdf
Introduction:We have been inspired to write this work thanks to our experiences for one academic year as Foreign Language Teaching Assistants (FLTA) in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, and Arkansas, USA; respectively granted by British Council- and Fulbright-Ministerio de Educación. Our duties as FLTAs consisted in helping in speaking and writing sessions,…

Año: : 2012

documento de conferencia

Espinosa_The role of prominences in typologically different rhythms.pdf
Speech rhythm is understood as a byproduct of phonetic and phonological characteristics like syllabic structure, vowel reduction and the role of accent. In order to capture these properties, several rhythm metrics have been proposed in the literature so as to give an account of different aspects of rhythm. The aim of this study is to focus on the…

Año: : 2018

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