What we all love about reading: Delving into university learners’ experiences
Castro, Analía (Ed.);Resumen
This paper will discuss the results obtained during an investigation into different affective factors influencing reading within an EFL university course. After a review of previous research into reading comprehension in this context, and of theoretical issues related to affect and language learning, we turn to the study of thirty essays written by advanced university learners of English and their views about reading. In section 5, we present a) the roles reading fulfills in their lives, b) evidence of the impact of affective factors in the development of this activity and c) learners‟ and teachers‟ underlying assumptions about the practice of reading and its benefits.
Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Lenguas
Bibliographic Citation
Zinkgraf, M., Risso Patrón, Z. R., & Verdú, M. A. (2010). What we all love about reading: Delving into university learners’ experiences. En A. Castro (Ed.), Actas del Primer Congreso Nacional El Conocimiento como Espacio de Encuentro y VI Jornadas Un espacio de encuentro: El estado del conocimiento en la ESI. General Roca: Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Lenguas.
ISBN 978-987-604-208-6
Is Part Of
Actas del Primer Congreso Nacional El Conocimiento como Espacio de Encuentro y VI Jornadas Un espacio de encuentro: El estado del conocimiento en la ESI
Date Created