Spontaneous productions of deverbal nominals in Spanish
Since 1997 we have been researching the acquisition of instrumentals, initially, compounds, then dor- derived nominals and finally, a comparison of both forms. Spanish-speaking children of ages between 2 and 8 were asked to produce the researched forms as names for non-existent instruments under varied experimental circumstances. Throughout 2004 a case study was carried out to record spontaneous productions of both verb-noun compounds and -dor instrumentals by three children of 2, 3 and 7 years of age. This paper presents the data-gathering procedures, the analysis of the results obtained in this case study and the interpretation of these spontaneous productions in the light of the results discussed in previous investigations.
Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Escuela Superior de Idiomas
Bibliographic Citation
Zinkgraf, M., & Rodriguez, Silvina L. (2006). Spontaneous productions of deverbal nominals in Spanish. En Actas de las II Jornadas: La ESI: Un espacio de encuentro. General Roca: Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Escuela Superior de Idiomas.
9 p.
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Actas de las II Jornadas: La ESI: un espacio de encuentro
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Jornadas de la ESI: Un Espacio de Encuentro
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