Browse Items (6 en total)

documento de conferencia

Formar para enseñar_Diap.pdf
Los descubrimientos de la lingüística de corpus han gestado una visión del léxico como algo más que un conjunto de ítems aislados (Sinclair,1991; Lewis, 1993, 1997 y 2000; y Schmitt, 2010). En este sentido, Wray (2002) define como secuencias formulaicas (SFs) a “una secuencia, continua o discontinua, de palabras […] almacenada y recuperada de la…

Año: : 2019

documento de conferencia

Our experience with the use of legends of native people in the English class confirms that not only intercultural competence can be developed, but also chronological-temporal discursive formulaic sequences can be acquired in relation to the chronological organization of events. We describe the experience carried out at two evening schools and its…

Año: : 2019

documento de conferencia

New perspectives on vocabulary learning and teaching have shifted away from the conception of vocabulary as merely single words to adopt a more comprehensive approach that includes formulaic sequences. These expressions, defined by Wray (2002) as a string “continuous or discontinuous of words […] that is stored and retrieved whole from memory at…

Año: : 2019

documento de conferencia

Chunky chunks_Zinkgraf_Chiclana_2018.pdf
In this presentation the teaching of vocabulary is approached in terms of chunks of words. Theoretical issues are explored in relation to Corpus Linguistics perspectives on formulaic language and its impact on the teaching of a foreign language. The advantages of this approach will be analysed and activity samples based on songs will be presented…

Año: : 2019

documento de conferencia

El dictogloss_Zinkgraf_Verdu.pdf
Los estudiantes de ILE (inglés como lengua extranjera) que aspiran a lograr un nivel elevado de competencia general a menudo tienen dificultades para producir textos escritos que respondan a la formulaicidad adecuada típica del uso nativo. En un curso universitario avanzado de ILE en la Universidad Nacional del Comahue, se diseñó una experiencia de…

Año: : 2020

documento de conferencia

This presentation describes the objectives of the research project and the different activities completed: the teacher-training courses taught, and the materials designed for a pilot experience in 2020 to teach formulaic sequences in songs and legends in primary schools. It will outline future courses of action and the importance of establishing…

Año: : 2019

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