Revistas de Fonética y Fonología
Estudios de Fonética Experimental (Journal of Experimental Phonetics) is the double-blind peer-reviewed annual scientific journal of the Phonetics Laboratory of the University of Barcelona. It has been published since 1984.
Interactive Atlas of Spanish Intonation
Laboratory Phonology is the official journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology. It publishes reports on the scientific study of all phonological / phonetic aspects of spoken and signed language through scholarly exchange across disciplines, including all domains of linguistics (phonology, phonetics, syntax, morphology, semantics, pragmatics) as well as from related disciplines, including psychology, speech & hearing science, communication science, computer science, electrical & computer engineering, and other related fields.
Language and Speech. Language and Speech is a peer-reviewed journal which provides an international forum for communication among researchers in the disciplines that contribute to our understanding of human production, perception, processing, learning, use, and disorders of speech and language.
PHONICA es una publicación científica, en formato electrónico y de libre acceso, que tiene como objetivo crear un espacio de intercambio entre las diversas disciplinas relacionadas con el sonido, la voz y el habla. Tiene el propósito de ser una plataforma de difusión de reflexiones teóricas, resultados de investigación y propuestas de innovación de carácter interdisciplinario, dirigido a un público especializado.
Speech Communication. Speech Communication is a publication of the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP), which can be located at and the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), which can be located at Speech Communication is an interdisciplinary journal whose primary objective is to fulfil the need for the rapid dissemination and thorough discussion of basic and applied research results.