Critical thinking in a flash: a case study of an EFL university course


Colombo, S.M. (ed.).


This paper presents the methodology used in an EFL university course within the Teacher- and Translator- training programmes at Universidad del Comahue to foster critical thinking of literary canons, themes and styles through the use of microfiction. From 2006 to 2008, on-line or printed micro-tales were used to prompt English V learners to experience the thrills of this singular literary genre and to reflect upon the impact it may have on their beliefs about literature, on their outlook on life and on the perceptions they have of their own selves. The “adventure”, whose aim was to give lear ners brief and authentic, un-reviewed raw material to be evaluated by them in the format of reviews, ended up providing both teachers and students with the chance to explore an array of contentious issues stemming from fragments of characters‟ lives. Each piece of microfiction meant a whole different story to each learner, and, therefore, yet another challenge to face in the course. Plunging into the genre implied the revision of the canons of what literature is supposed to be like, their beliefs of what a story is thought to present, and their expectations as to what the reader‟s task comprises. With each new narrative, highly controversial topics were raised, innovative perspectives on narrating were presented and multiple versions of the story were offered.

critical thinking (zinkgraf & formiga).pdf


Universidad del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano
Universidad Nacional de Rosario



Referencia bibliográfica

Zinkgräf, M., Formiga, P., & Tomassini, G. (2011). Critical thinking in a flash: a case study of an EFL university course. En Colombo, S.M. (Ed.), La minificción en español y en inglés (pp. 267-276). Rosario: Universidad del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano, Universidad Nacional de Rosario.


pp. 267-276


ISBN 978-950-673-907-2

Es Parte De

Colombo, S.M. (Ed.), La minificción en español y en inglés. Rosario: Universidad del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 2011

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